Overview of our common testing standards according to the Japanese Inspection Standard (JIS) and guideline to other international standards (not for comparison)
Air Permeability | JIS L 1096 A-Method Frazier Method | ISO 9237 | ASTM D737 |
Burst | JIS L 1096 Mullen Method | ISO 13938-1 | ASTM D3786 |
Pilling | JIS L 1076 A-method ICI-type - JIS L 1076 D-method | ISO 12945-1 ISO 12945-2 Martindale - | - - ASTM D3512 Random Tumble |
Tear | JIS L 1096 D-method | ISO 13937-1 | ASTM D1424 |
Abrasion | JIS L 1096 A-1 Flat JIS L 1096 D-method Acceleotor JIS L 1096 F-method Martindale | - - ISO 12947-2 Martindale | - - ASTM D4966 Martindale |
Waterproof | JIS L 1092 A-method Low-pressure JIS L 1092 B-method High-pressure | ISO 20811 - | AATCC 127 - |
Breathbility | JIS L 1099 A-1/B-1 JIS L 1099 C法-method - | - ISO 11092 - | - - ASTM E96 |
Adhesion | JIS L 1086 - | - ISO 2411 | AATCC 136 ASTM D2724 |
Water repellency | JIS L 1092 Spray (degree) | ISO 4920 (degree) | AATCC 22 (degree) |
Testing Methods
- Air Permeability JIS L1096
- Burst Mullen Method JIS L1096
- Pilling ICI Method JIS L1076
- Pilling JIS L1076 Random Tumble
- Pilling JIS L1076 Martindale Method
- Tear strength Pendulum JIS L1096
- Tear strength Single tongue Method JIS L1096
- Abrasion accelerotor JIS L1096
- Abrasion Martindale method JIS L1096
- Abrasion Flat abrasion JIS L1096
- Waterproof A-method JIS L1092
- Water Repellency JIS L1092
- Breatability A-1 method_JIS L1099
- Breatability B-1 method_JIS L1099
- Adhesion JIS L1089